The Importance of Professional Photography

Did you know that there is a facebook page called Bad MLS Photos?  That is one, very important reason right there.  How horrible would it be to have someone tell you they saw your listing on that site?  Granted, those are typically extreme cases… but do you really want to chance it?

If you’re working with a good Realtor, they will hire a professional photographer to take the shots for you and put together a virtual tour that is polished and professional.  However, you should always confirm it with them.  Today’s “cyber” buyers shop online and then hand pick the homes they want to see in person with their agent.  This means that having unprofessional point-and-shoot photos showing a cluttered home could literally cut your exposure in half… or worse!

Detailed preparation and quality professionals are worth the time and expense.  Usually your Realtor will pay for the photography, so when you’re hiring your agent and discussing commissions, remember, “Cheap ain’t good, and Good ain’t cheap”.  You hire a cheap agent and they will probably give you what you pay for!

Happy selling everyone… it’s a great real estate market out there.

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